Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Christmas Doings...

We went back to our old neighborhood to visit Santa in a local store. The Glen Park Merchants sponsor the visit and it is very low key. They put out cookies and you bring your own camera if you want a picture. Brennan wanted nothing to do with him this year. It may have had something to do with the Grinch from the restaurant next door who popped into the store while we were visiting and waiting to see Santa. Last year Brennan hated the Grinch and burst into tears every time he wandered by our table. Same thing this year only I think he made the connection that Grinch and Santa were dressed a little alike. Next year we'll try something different...

I have a few Santa hats around, and the other night after his bath, Brennan popped one on his head... Yes, those are the Christmas PJs!

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