Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Out and About...

We have hiked UP Russian Hill a few times from our place and headed over to Polk Street to run errands and have lunch. Last week we needed a few things from Cole Hardware, had a little lunch at Boulangerie, and on our way home happened upon this little rice pudding shop (HELLO!!) We had a few samples, bought a cup and I gave B a few bites. I popped the lid on and he lost his mind. This does not happen very often, and NEVER in public--he likes the people so much. Well, he screamed the entire two blocks that I was huffing and puffing pushing the stroller up the hill home. When we got to the top, I got him out of the stroller, and with the distraction of a beagle he got himself together. It WAS almost nap time, AND it was very good pudding... Today we visited the scene of the crime again, with another balloon from the hardware store... He did fine entertaining himself with the little sample spoon all the way home.

We were over on Polk again today to have lunch with Katherine and little Luciano, and then we went over to Helen Wills Park to do a little swinging...

1 comment:

Holley said...

Katherine, he's so incredibly precious! And he has a terrific mom!
