My sweet, sweet little B,
This has been quite a month--we shall call it the month of teeth! You now have TWO on the bottom, and you seem to be quite fascinated with them. You feel around for them constantly with your tongue and do not yet know their strength. You were in pretty good spirits through both of them and just got a little more clingy (to me!) and didn't want to eat or drink very much the day or two before they popped out.
We have really gotten into more of a normal routine, and you really are game to go just about anywhere. There have been a few times that seemingly out of no where you have burst into tears with people you know. This is still very much the exception. On your 9 month birthday we ran some errands, and here you are at Trader Joe's:
We went to dinner to celebrate and as always you charmed the pants off everyone you saw. Even people who initially give us the "breeders" glare end up pretty taken with you.
We are quite the twosome in our many hours and days together, and you don't seem to get as bored with me as you use to! You are perfectly lovely to take anywhere and I enjoy going out for a bite to eat and just hanging out with you. Your hair still gets lots of comments--it's cuteness and fluffiness--and I pulled out some pictures of me as a baby in preparation for my 40th and we are definitely related!
We had a great trip to Phoenix to visit family and friends and these next few months will be very busy with selling our condo (your first home, sniff) and figuring out where to next. The last 6 months have been such strange and challenging times in the world's economy. I am so thrilled to be home with you, and I can remember when I use to get all frothed up about the news and politics and the stock market, and now... It is still important, and really being present with you is my focus.
Thank you for being such a sweetheart. Even when you are having a harder time, you give me a smile and we both just laugh. You are growing--at your 9 month appointment you were 28 inches long and 19 pounds 13 ounces. You are in the 40th percentile for height and weight and 80th for head circumference! You are pretty good at crawling backwards, and were are working on the forward direction. You would rather "talk" and watch people have a conversation than just about anything else, including eating or moving around on your own. You love books and your current favorites are Knufflebunny and the Pigeon books by Mo Willems--especially Pigeon Wants a Puppy... You are eating anything and everything that I put in front of you, and you are really good at picking up little chunks of banana and avocado.
I love you Bunny.
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