Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Sending you all love and wishes for a peaceful and lovely New Year.

Much love,
Justin, Katherine and Brennan

Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Christmas Doings...

We went back to our old neighborhood to visit Santa in a local store. The Glen Park Merchants sponsor the visit and it is very low key. They put out cookies and you bring your own camera if you want a picture. Brennan wanted nothing to do with him this year. It may have had something to do with the Grinch from the restaurant next door who popped into the store while we were visiting and waiting to see Santa. Last year Brennan hated the Grinch and burst into tears every time he wandered by our table. Same thing this year only I think he made the connection that Grinch and Santa were dressed a little alike. Next year we'll try something different...

I have a few Santa hats around, and the other night after his bath, Brennan popped one on his head... Yes, those are the Christmas PJs!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Tree!

Brennan LOVED running around the tree lot when we went to get our tree. What a city boy!

My two sweet boys!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Some November Doings...

Here is Brennan all dressed up and ready to go to Baby Gianna's baptism. Taking his pal Moo for a spin down the hall.

Dining al fresco at one of my favorite new finds in the 'hood--North Beach that is! They have the best quiche and Brennan will eat a piece himself. This day there was the sweetest dog at the table next to us and B just loved watching her and befriending her.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Yesterday we happened into a kid's clothing shop to check out winter coats for Brennan. Keep in mind that this is the day after Halloween... We tried a few coats on him and when Justin put the hoods up over his head he went into "little tiger" mode and had his "Rrrrrarhhh" ready to go. It was so cute!! Perhaps he could just wear his tiger costume instead of a coat...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween--the real deal!

Good morning little pumpkins!

Walking home from the neighborhood Halloween festival at Joe DiMaggio Park.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween!

From the Peter Pumpkin Patch in Petaluma.
What fun!

Animals at the Pumpkin Farm

Here are Brennan and Luciano at the farm.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Practice, practice, practice...

Here Brennan is practicing for Halloween--both wearing the costume (we are up to about 4 minutes!!) and being in character...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Walk in the Park...

It was beautiful here today, and we took advantage of the afternoon by taking a long walk through Aquatic Park and up to the park above Ft. Mason. It overlooks the Golden Gate bridge and the bay was filled with boats. The park with its grass and walkways, and many people, dogs and bicycles was perfect for our little guy who is all about walking these days, loves dogs and is fascinated with bikes. Seeing all the boats also gave him a chance to say one of his favorite words--boat (he sounds Canadian when he says it!)

His other words at the moment include: hot (hawt), ball, bowl, nose, NO, nuum (milk), hello (heyla), shoes (zeus), yes (ses), more (mo'), moon, (moooooonnnnn), moo, baa, and just tonight: apple (clear as day!) and abanama (banana)--he understands 10x as many and will point away. He still signs for more, milk, and all done.

He has been sleeping great this last month, which is very normal with walking, but the naps have been much less significant and therefore my time to get stuff done very limited. I do miss being able to pick up the phone and talk to a friend until we are all talked out... I do love my time with B and enjoy the changes that are happening every day at a rapid pace. Enjoy...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

The weather these last few weeks has been pretty spectacular. September and October generally are the best months weather-wise that San Francisco has to offer. We have all been enjoying our chances to be in the sunshine and SWIM!

Loves flying...

Talking with Mama...

Being a charmer...

Being a sweetie...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First (real) Haircut!

Okay, so I've snipped his bangs a few times, but the last time was nerve-wracking and the results were miserable--kid looked like he had backed into a weed whacker! So, in anticipation of a very busy week (and month!) off we went today for a haircut at one of those aimed for kids--fast (very!) with a variety of chair options and stuff to play with while the snipping happens... Here Brennan is with Elena, the gal who did the deed, and seated in the race car chair.

I think both the results and the process worked for both of us!

So dang cute, he is!

Friday, September 11, 2009

16 months

I have been so bad about posting--little guy is keeping us busy!
I promise that I will get to all the pictures from this last month soon!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

At Home...

Hmmm, water or milk, water or milk? BOTH!!

Reading a story on the potty:

Another birthday celebration--Happy Birthday Brad!

Little poser!

Knockin' Around N. Beach...

Firetrucks, YES!

Playing at the park in the playhouse:

Thanks Tita Tress!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fun at the Park...

Headed up to Marin with friend Katherine P. and her little one Luciano to find the SUN!!
After 11 years the foggy days of summer are getting to me, or perhaps the 3 weeks that we are in lock down mode with the ick??

Luciano (in the hat) patting Brennan as they knock on the play equipment:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Fun...

We had some friends and their girls visiting from out of state and so we showed them around and had a little play time too!

Couldn't resist taking a pic of him asleep with his little tush up in the air:

Jeanette's mom Liv was in town so Brennan and I went done to San Jose for a quick visit, and here B is playing with big boys Drew and Jack:

Enjoying the trains in Griffith Park with Grandpa:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Sharon!

We've all been under the weather these last few weeks, and I think B is turning the corner...

Happy Birthday Aunt She She!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Auntie Jo!

with lots of blueberry pancake with cottage cheese on top!

Good times people, good times...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Live from Chicago

Our little guy enjoying his breakfast/lunch at Nookie's in Chicago...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chicago visit...

Hey there vacationer!! Here's our little guy after a full day of travel with no nap. This was his first flight with he own real seat and he had a ball. We had been playing airplane the last few weeks so he knew what to expect...

We were very fortunate to stay at the condo of some friends who have grandkids and all the goodies that go along with them. Here is B enjoying some real big-kid trucks!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Chicago...

The primary reason we went to Chicago was to visit (Uncle) Jacob, as he has just finished up a Masters at the University of Chicago. This is the longest the boys have gone without seeing each other since B was born. Out on the town eating tapas...

Jacob did a great job getting us out and around and seeing the city. He has really enjoyed getting to know Chicago, and has seen so much in the last nine months. Here we are at Millennium Park:

Our friend Elizabeth come down from Madison to see us...

Friend Jeff lives in a high rise on Lakeshore Drive, and crazily enough his building is basically next door to the building where Justin lived the first seven years of his life!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Chicago continued...

Uncle Jacob reading some very, VERY academic text to Brennan:

Having lunch in Hyde Park:

Seeing my college friend Bridget and her boys out in the 'burbs. B loved to watch these boys just run circles around him...

Justin's mother joined us for the last four days of our trip, and it was wonderful for her to show us around her old stomping grounds as well. We drove up to Waukegan one afternoon for lunch and a visit with her brother Vince and his family. Here we are...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wimbledon here I come...

Brennan has discovered Justin's tennis racquet and drags it out any chance he gets.
Not sure the smushy face technique is going to win any favors with the diehard tennis fans...

He has taken to motoring over to us and laying his head on our laps or next to us and looking up adoringly...

What a sweetie!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

To all dads...
Thank you for being there for us, making us laugh, kissing our tears and showing us the ropes.
We love you and need you--and always will.

Here is Brennan helping me make the best blueberry muffins ever (most recent Cook's Illustrated). Justin is lucky that any of the blueberries made it into the muffins!

Here my boys are opening Daddy's gift and admiring the card.