My sweet little one,
You are turning into such a little boy! You are definitely still a baby, but so much of the newborn-ness of you is going away or is gone, that I struggle to remember it. You are a guy on the go, and I do not have enough tricks up my sleeve yet to make our days super interesting. We do a lot of book reading, walking around the neighborhood and visiting shopkeepers and going up to the canyon, and a little bit of time each day in either the Exer-Saucer or your seat--although you tolerate this less and less. Usually I can squeak out enough time to get a shower, eat something, fold laundry, etc., but not always!
You continue to grow, and you were 16 pounds, 1 ounce at your 5 month appointment. You were hardly bothered by the immunization shots, and just kind of rolled with it. You met a few more people this month, and were able to spend some more time with others. Football season is in full swing and the Denver Broncos continue to capture your Daddy's heart and imagination. You have some Broncos PJs that we hope will be a good luck charm this year, but the jury is still out on that one!
Your napping continues to be a saving grace for both of us! You nap 3 times a day most days and one of those naps can be 2-3 hours long! The only sticky wicket now is which nap will be the long one, and how to plan around and for that. While your Grandmother was here visiting from Denver we got your Halloween costume sorted out, as well as some cold weather clothing for our upcoming trip to Montana (to see Nonna) and eventually Denver. You are not an age that makes "trying one" clothes that easy. It's more eyeballing and that doesn't always work... Heh...
Oh well, maybe that snowsuit will fit you next year!
You have started to dabble in solid foods, and have enjoyed baked sweet potato and avocado so far. You love it until you don't and when you are done, we'd better have a bottle ready to help you wash it all down, if not the following ensues...
Not a happy guy for the moment, but you recover very quickly these days.
The other big change this month is that I am going to be home with you, rather than going back to work for now. It is how I always imagined being a mom to a baby, and I am excited and hope that I can do a good job for both of us!
I love you little one.
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