Monday, September 22, 2008

A Love Story...

Once upon a time, there was a very lovely and creative guy who was perceived by many to be a little loud and a lot quirky...  His name was Mr. Whoozit.  You see, Mr. Whoozit's career of entertaining children, (actually one at the moment, by the name of Brennan--shocker!) is a rather physical and frankly, exhausting gig.  Mr. Whoozit spent his free time alone in a basket of toys with other off-shift animals, blankets and books, and occasionally in the bottom of the diaper bag.  Mr. Whoozit was lonely and was looking for a like minded (ie. curious, funny and a little bit wacky) partner with whom he could spend a little down time...  Meet the eligible bachelor...

Well a few weeks back, while enjoying the Chihuly glass show at the DeYoung, Brennan's mom found a new addition (happy 4 month birthday present!!) to the toy box...  This creature has bells, rattles, and bendable legs, a lovely disposition and a wonky sense of humor.  Loved by Brennan, a welcome member of the entertainment entourage... 

Well, they have hit it off, and are now spending most days together, getting yanked, chewed on and slapped about by one joyful baby boy...  Here is the happy couple...  

This is where you come in, she doesn't have a name and we are just out of creative juice around this house.  Please leave your suggestion in the comments, and the lucky winner will get a prize!!  Please help, I believe she is getting a little resentful of being referred to as "crazy Mr. Whoozit's girlfriend."


sharon Johnson said...

We suggest you name Mr Whozits girlfriend, Mr. Whozit's Girlie. That is what Spencer use to call me, Wendell's girlie. So she could just be Girlie!. You could name puddles, "Jay", or "Elway",or" Crush" , or Mascot, or ginger or Mister Mutt, or Wendell, or... I will be back with more. The prize is driving me!

nonna said...

(I wonder what the PRIZE is?!!)
A spontaneous choice for the girlfriend is Louella Marlene...she could sometimes be Lou 'Lene..or ...'la 'lene...that's it- for now. Is there a deadline??