Monday, August 11, 2008

Month 3

My sweet little boy,
You are growing and changing so much, and I love seeing what new stuff you are up to every day.
New movements and mannerisms replace those that have become so familiar and other little things you do have disappeared overnight as you grow and change.  You continue to have the sweetest disposition and are endlessly patient with all of us with few exceptions.  You smile so often, it is hard to remember when you didn't.  You love being out and about and would like to be on the go more than we are.  You love being around people, and are quick to greet most with a smile or an intense gaze.  You are so cute that both those that know and love you and strangers on the street comment on your big eyes, your sweet smile, your hair and your perfectly shaped head.

You and Daddy have this little stretching game you play most days where you push your little legs against his chest and he says "You are SOOO strong."  You love this and think it is about the best thing in the world (second to eating!!)  You smile from ear to ear and will continue for as long as he will play.  You love to eat, and one of the only ways that you are guaranteed to lose your mind crying is when we take the bottle out of your mouth to burp you.  You weighed 12.5  pounds at your 3 month vaccine appointment and are getting longer and heavier each day.

You went to a wedding shower and a baby shower this month, and loved seeing all those faces.  We are a bit fanatical about people washing their hands around you, as your doctor encouraged us to take a strong line--ahhh, new parents...  Your hands are finding their way into your mouth with more frequency and I know that it will not be long before everything ends up in your mouth.  You had your first mild cold this month, and your little sneezes and cough were not enough to ruin your day or mood.  I had your cold within a few days and we just stayed around the house and chilled out on the couch nursing and dozing for a couple of days.

Your uncle Jacob is in San Francisco for the summer until he heads out to Chicago for grad school in September, so you have been seeing him more days than not.  Your Nonna came for a quick visit from Montana, and Grandpa and Grammy were in town for a couple of days from S. Cal for Marianne's bridal shower.  We are taking you on your first airplane trip to Denver in August to see your Grandmother and other family and friends.

You are sleeping between 6.5 and 8 hours each night, and we can totally live with that!!  We are still working on your nap schedule, and the only way to put you to sleep is to go for a stroll with you in the sling.  When we are out in the stroller you are too busy looking around to blink your eyes much less nap!  We went for a visit to my office, as most of my co-workers had not yet met you.  You were a charmer and we had a really nice afternoon.  It was so nice to see all their familiar faces, and the pace of being  downtown was a reminder of my life before you.  It seems so very long ago, and so difficult to remember a time when you were not here.

I love you very much and continue to wake up each day, eager to see what is in store for us.

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