Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reid's First Haircut

Reid's bangs have been a bit shaggy for a few weeks, and for some reason I was a little resistant to a haircut... I know it's just a little bit of hair, and that just feels like the beginning of all the "big boy-ness" that I know is racing our way.

He did great, was slightly annoyed when the drape went on and he couldn't quite find his hands...

Here's his after... Cathy did a great job of keeping the little Gerber Baby flippy curls that I just love (for now). How cute is he??

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School

Here's Brennan on his first day of school with his "home" collage...
He is going to the same 2 mornings a week pre-school that he went to last
year. Teacher Barbara said he was very helpful today, showing his new friends
where the paper towels went in the bathroom and everything else during clean up!