Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reid's First Haircut

Reid's bangs have been a bit shaggy for a few weeks, and for some reason I was a little resistant to a haircut... I know it's just a little bit of hair, and that just feels like the beginning of all the "big boy-ness" that I know is racing our way.

He did great, was slightly annoyed when the drape went on and he couldn't quite find his hands...

Here's his after... Cathy did a great job of keeping the little Gerber Baby flippy curls that I just love (for now). How cute is he??

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School

Here's Brennan on his first day of school with his "home" collage...
He is going to the same 2 mornings a week pre-school that he went to last
year. Teacher Barbara said he was very helpful today, showing his new friends
where the paper towels went in the bathroom and everything else during clean up!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Reid!

Our littlest guy turned ONE--just crazy how this year has flown by in so many ways...
We had a small gathering at the local Concert in the Park, a little picnic, family and a few neighborhood friends...

Reid and big brother opening his birthday present from Brennan--a BALL!!

Reid and his first girlfriend, Maria (Luciano's little sister!):


His favorite part of the party... His birthday balloon!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


My mom just arrived for a week visit, and came just in time for the summer weather!
Reid has been a total grump, not sure if it is a new tooth or just a phase--but get that kid in some water and he is a happy camper! Brennan just finished his first series of swim lessons, and seems to be enjoying the water as a big boy.

Here are the summertime cutie pies:

Monday, June 6, 2011

End of School

Brennan's preschool finished up last week. There was an "art show" the last week, and it was too cute watching all these 3 year olds walk us around the room showing us their art! Of course it turned in to a crazy run around time, but sweet none the less!

The last day of school was filled with lots of "Thank Yous" for the teachers!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Reid--9 months

Reid had his 9 month appointment today and here are the stats:
Height: 29 inches
Weight: 21 lbs, 11.5 ounces

Reid is such a sweet little guy, and is so quick to smile, either very shyly or over-the-top flirting. His hair has gone crazy, and between that and his smile, everyone he sees flashes him the biggest smile. I am astounded at how quickly the time is flying, and how the "baby" baby part is going away... He has eyes for Brennan and as soon as B walks in the room, Reid is all smiles and noises, even if he has been a total grump with me. The last few weeks have been filled with really sweet moments of the two of them in the bath, sitting and reading (Brennan "reading" to Reid), and Brennan comforting him or really engaging and playing with him. They have started hugging each other--Brennan will lay on his tummy, and Reid will lean over and kiss (very wet--watch out!) and hug him. They both just laugh and laugh... It so warms my heart.

Reid has sprouted 2 teeth this last month, and is putting them to good use...




Too Cool

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Brennan--3 years

Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Boy!

You had a wonderful time planning and celebrating your birthday with a puzzle party over the weekend with family and friends, and then pizza and ice cream on the actual day. You continue to amaze (and frustrate!) me/us with your independence, your words and your questions. You seem to blossom more every day, and still maintain your sweet nature and strong opinions.

You have done a great job wearing big-boy underpants, and sleeping in a big-boy bed. The bed was Grandpa's, then mine, Uncle Adam's and Uncle Jacob's... Nonna painted it after one of your favorite books--"The Big Orange Splot" and you have taken to sleeping there very easily once I braced for the transition.

You are very sweet to all of us... You and your friends seem to genuinely be thrilled to see each other and jump at any chance to be silly. You love being out--here you are dancing with some of your friends at farmer's market.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reid--6 months

Sweet Time with Daddy this Weekend...

Brennan, Katherine, Reid and I went to lunch today at the bagel place near Nob Hill. Katherine and Reid left after a few minutes to go get some groceries and Brennan and I were left alone while he was finishing his bagel. We started talking and I asked Brennan which of his nicknames he liked. I asked him, "Do you like 'Moose Bear?'" He politely replied, "No." I asked him if he liked being called, "Bunkyboo?" He replied, "no, not really." I asked about "Monkey Moo" and "Brennan Bear" and assorted others and each time he either didn't respond or just shook his head, no. I asked him what he liked being called and he responded, "Brennan...just Brennan." I paused a minute and then said, "Hi, Brennan." And then Brennan smiled a kind of wise and knowing smile and said, "Hi, Justin." And then we just sat there letting all of that soak in a bit:-)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day at School

Today was the Valentine sing a long at Brennan's preschool, and delivering Valentine cards to mailboxes of school friends. It was also wear your pajamas to school day, and B was so excited to wear his new PJs that Aunt Sharon and Uncle Wendell provided for the occasion.

Here is B with his beautifully decorated mailbox:

We played at the park after school and then took a walk around and found much evidence of an early Spring!

Happy Birthday Uncle Wendell!

I will be downloading some pictures from the last few months, I do apologize for the long absence...

Aunt Sharon and Uncle Wendell came to visit this last week. It was great fun to have them around and a taste of what it would be like to live by family...

Uncle Wendell and Brennan blowing out birthday candles on Wendell's belated cake:

Reid ready for some food action!

Uncle Wendell and Reid: