Friday, August 27, 2010


Here they are in their hats:

Baby Reid with his eyes open:

A picture with Gran before she heads home after her visit:

Summertime Fun...

Brennan in the balls at My Gym:

Hangin' with the sculpture at the Redwood Shores library:

Beating the record heat playing in the sprinklers in the backyard:

Admiring Stacey's birthday pavlova, and helping blow out the candles:

Celebrating Luciano's 2nd birthday a little late:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sweet, Sweet Boy...

Little Angel...

Here is baby Reid crashed out on his first night home...
(Brennan loved the truck jammies!)

Here is our guest of honor missing his party and his "birthday" cupcake:

Home with Our Updated Family...

We were able to delay my mom's departure for a day:

Brennan was hugely interested in Justin's hospital wristband when he came home on Friday to spend some time with Brennan. So we left ours on, and pulled out Brennan's memory box when we got home and showed him the goodies from when he was born at the hospital...

Wearing his "Big Brother" cap and reading a new book from Catherine and her family... Yes, Reid has one too!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's a PARTY!!

Our welcome home sign:

Nonna and Brennan serving up the strawberry pie they made together:

Brennan blowing out the candles for Baby Reid who slept the whole time (guest of honor is in the basket in the background:

After nap today, we all went outside in the front and baby Reid and I watched while Nonna and Brennan did sidewalk chalk and hopscotched:

My introduction to Mama-ing two at the same time. There are going to be some rough moments, I know, and this was a very sweet one...

Home at Last...

Here we are all together:

Heading home...

After the difficulties of Brennan's arrival, you cannot even imagine how good I feel physically--in fact I asked to go home as soon as we could on Saturday. I am ready to be home and to take Reid home to meet his brother, and to give Brennan a big, BIG hug. We were on our way by noon:

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Finally, the waiting pays off...

The waiting team hoofed it up the city to meet their grandson:

Here he is...

We are thrilled to welcome beautiful baby boy Reid Joseph Sherman to our family! He was born August 12th at 5:53pm and weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces and is 21 1/4 inches long.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Here we go...

We have finished week 42 of the pregnancy, and that is about as long as they will let you go. So we are off to the hospital to get induced (again!!). The initial steps of the process will begin late tonight and then more in the morning. My hope is for this all to go more quickly and smoothly than the first time--and all assurances are that it will!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My mom arrived to join the waiting team on Friday--the original plan was that the little one would be here by now! Brennan and my dad put together a train (choo choo) that he had created the parts for at home and brought as a project to do with B. After it was all put together (those pics are on a different camera!) my mom and Brennan painted it:

Brennan loves all things choo-choos, and here he is demonstrating with his lunch:

Stacey and Brennan had a great morning being super creative and here is the result--Brennan's studio apartment in his tent, decorated with a flag and balloons for his housewarming party...

My favorite parts of this creative play was when one of the guests, "Big Monkey," was asleep and Brennan didn't like it. Stacey encouraged him to wake him up and tell him he had to stay awake for the party. And then when we were getting ready to leave to go out and Brennan was going to leave all the "guests" in the tent. We told him we didn't think it was a great idea to leave his own party with all the guests still there. So he kicked them all out!! Too funny... Perhaps he will remember this in 15 years!!??

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Parade and a Party...

Brennan loves playing with his animals. And since the 4th of July parade, he lines them up for a parade while he waves his flag and plays his "flute" for the entourage...

Celebrating Brad's birthday a few days before:

Brennan loves to have "parties" and blow out candles, although he hasn't quite mastered a technique yet. When he blows the candles, he blows up so his fine hair blows straight up, time after time--too cute!