Tuesday, June 29, 2010

These boots...

were made for something!! My dear friend Kelly handed down these boots from her boys, and Brennan found them and put them on himself... As you can see he continues to love the camera and he knows (and tells everyone) his FULL name.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

June Fun...

Lunching with Luciano and the "mamas" at Mama's on Washington Square. Luciano is called "Bello" by his mama and papa, and as L tore down the block, Brennan stood on the corner and yelled "Bello" at his little buddy.

Brennan and Nonna making a pie after nap one day during her visit. Notice the tongue, he is concentrating very hard as he stirs...

Yes, that is a diaper and sandal-clad Brennan running around at the park during a brief patch of heat. There are wonderful fountains that squirt out of the soft surface of the play area at Burton Park in San Carlos. Brennan saw the water and said "clothes off, Mama."