Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2 year appointment

Today we finally had Brennan's 2 year appointment with his ever lovely Dr. Julia. Here they are playing around. He was ever so charming, all 30 pounds and 34.5 inches of him! After he got a shot, he wiped away his tears and said "thank you" to the nurse... I'm sure she doesn't get a lot of thank yous for shots--what a card!

After his appointment the 3 of us had a little lunch and then Brennan got a haircut. As I was getting dinner ready tonight, Brennan said "watch Mama cook" so I pulled a chair up and he helped me squeeze lemons, pluck parsley and then added salad stuff to the bowl and stirred it up! Bestill my heart, I am cooking with my little guy (and tasting along the way of course)!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pelicans, geese and a swan, oh my!

Within a few hours we saw the following in our backyard:

A flock of pelicans--about 10 of them... Me opening the sliding door scared them away!

Canada geese and their goslings in our very small yard area--don't know how they got there...

At the same time that the family of geese were strolling by, this magnificent swan sped by...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Brennan enjoying his birthday wagon, he will be even more excited when he realizes it has wheels! and we can pull it! (Thanks Aunt Sharon and Uncle Wendell!)

Enjoying his new table and chairs... Grandpa made the table and a shelf and Gran provided the big boy chairs! He loves to sit here by the window and work.

Sharing a scoop of ice cream with Mama and watching for choo-choos at Paul's Diner...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Little Boy!

Brennan's bean bag chair!

That's Daddy's margarita, not the birthday boy's!!

Yumm!! Strawberry ice cream birthday treat...

Happy birthday, our dear, sweet boy. We sure do love you lots and lots!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Happy Mama Day"

This is from last night, after a busy birthday party day... He was dragging the balloons up the stairs and I grabbed the camera because it was such an "after the party" kind of pic, he looked back down the stairs at me and said "Oh Mama, too cute" Heh, think he had enough pics taken of him??

This morning, after a luxurious sleep-in, I was greeted by my little Mother's Day elves... The card plays the Peanuts theme song, which is a favorite around these parts, so we danced to the singing card all day.

Justin and Brennan went shopping for my plant, and after selecting the plant Brennan walked up to the ladies at the shop and said "for Mama"--Justin said it was as cute a moment as it could be! Here are my guys and the flowers with the butterfly... Oh, and a chorus of "Happy Mama Day" as well!

Hard to imagine that two Mother's Days ago this little guy came into the world and turned ours upside down and sideways in the most wonderful way possible. I feel like the luckiest person in the world and only hope that his little brother feels all the love that this little family has to offer when he joins us (officially!!) this summer.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2nd Birthday Party!!

We had a few of Brennan's friends and family over for a little birthday celebration...

The birthday boy and friends in action--he was a very gracious and appreciative birthday boy--made us very proud of the little boy that he is!

Time for the candles--banana cake with "choc-ey" frosting...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kitchen Musician

Here's my little kitchen musician! He loves to "cook" with me--playing with his stuff on the floor as I am working away...