Friday, November 13, 2009

Some November Doings...

Here is Brennan all dressed up and ready to go to Baby Gianna's baptism. Taking his pal Moo for a spin down the hall.

Dining al fresco at one of my favorite new finds in the 'hood--North Beach that is! They have the best quiche and Brennan will eat a piece himself. This day there was the sweetest dog at the table next to us and B just loved watching her and befriending her.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Yesterday we happened into a kid's clothing shop to check out winter coats for Brennan. Keep in mind that this is the day after Halloween... We tried a few coats on him and when Justin put the hoods up over his head he went into "little tiger" mode and had his "Rrrrrarhhh" ready to go. It was so cute!! Perhaps he could just wear his tiger costume instead of a coat...