Thursday, April 30, 2009

What a Day!

As I am wondering why? WHY? am I so tired at 8pm, I reviewed the day a little bit...

Brennan "riding" our fabulous dog "Bob"

Brennan wrestling said dog to the ground...

"Now THIS is a spoon! More rice pudding please!"

And to top off the crawling extravaganza that has been our life these last two days, I give you:

The boy who cannot sit still, and now does not sit! He stands, everywhere!
What a kid!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Out and About...

We have hiked UP Russian Hill a few times from our place and headed over to Polk Street to run errands and have lunch. Last week we needed a few things from Cole Hardware, had a little lunch at Boulangerie, and on our way home happened upon this little rice pudding shop (HELLO!!) We had a few samples, bought a cup and I gave B a few bites. I popped the lid on and he lost his mind. This does not happen very often, and NEVER in public--he likes the people so much. Well, he screamed the entire two blocks that I was huffing and puffing pushing the stroller up the hill home. When we got to the top, I got him out of the stroller, and with the distraction of a beagle he got himself together. It WAS almost nap time, AND it was very good pudding... Today we visited the scene of the crime again, with another balloon from the hardware store... He did fine entertaining himself with the little sample spoon all the way home.

We were over on Polk again today to have lunch with Katherine and little Luciano, and then we went over to Helen Wills Park to do a little swinging...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Morning Times...

Brennan's new favorite thing to do is to take all of the folded laundry out of the basket and put it on the floor and couch... He can entertain himself for quite a while--at least enough time for me to make some coffee and get his breakfast pulled together!

When done "rearranging" the laundry B likes to crawl over to the DVDs and "rearrange" those too! (Bob the Builder --which he has yet to see, Billy Elliot and An Affair to Remember seem to be his favorites!) He is also fascinated by the old pocket doors...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Baby Face!

I've been playing with some settings on our camera, and just snapping away today while our little guy was winding down for his nap...

The photo above is of him doing this thing with his hand that has been his favorite entertainment for the last few weeks. He wiggles his fingers between his lips while he makes this great noise. I've been trying to capture it on video but no luck yet...

Daddy liked this shot of B crawling towards me while I was snapping away...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Enjoying the New Digs...

It was blistering hot in SF both Monday and Tuesday, so my friend Katherine P. and I took our little ones--cute Luciano is her's--to lunch on Chestnut Street and then to Crissy Field for a nice long walk. There aren't a lot of days in the city that one goes barefoot and wears shorts...

Today B and I walked downtown to meet our friend Jill (aka JJ to B) for lunch. On our way back we stopped at Puccini in N. Beach for a coffee and a brioche from Victoria Pastry for breakfast tomorrow. I did let B have a nibble, and YES he loved it :-) It really is not quite as big as his head...

Since four out of the last five nights Brennan has slept from 7ish to at least 5:30am AND taken two (TWO!!) naps of 1-2+ hours each!! Yippee! I am getting stuff done. Oh dear, I hope I am not jinxing myself...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Road Trip Home

I didn't get many pics of B on my camera this weekend, but I do have some video to upload!
We drove home yesterday from LA and here B is at a Starbucks where we shared a fruit and cheese plate. Have you ever seen a highchair at Starbucks?? I hadn't, and it was a great one...

We stopped for a late lunch at Pea Soup Anderson's in Santa Nella, which reminds me of trips when I was a kid. B gobbled up the soup, and tried a little onion roll this time. Daddy feeding him soup:

It was hotter than hot when we got back to San Francisco, so dinner for B was diaper only, fan blowing (he laughed every time it blew on his hair) and many, many grapes... I did get a few bites of protein in here and there, but mostly grapes, Grapes, GRAPES...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Surprise Trip

One of my gifts for my 40th back in March was a getaway weekend planned by:

I knew we were going to S. California as that is where Grammy and Grandpa live, and were the designated overnight caretakers for our little guy. We ended up in Santa Monica, after many guesses by me and mysterious maneuvers by the planner! Justin planned a lovely day and evening and here we are at dinner at Michael's and I loved staying at Shutters!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Moving Day

A little bittersweet leaving the home we married in and brought our little guy home to...
Moving on...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Nonna!

Just talked to my mom for a minute because we had a bad connection. She is having a wonderful time and can't believe she will be home in just a few weeks. She wrote more here: gononnago
Love you Mom!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

No, it's not a palm for Palm Sunday, and I know it is not an Easter Lily... It is our big, beautiful plant that needs a new home--might that be you??

Back to the regular scheduled programming...

Justin's mom is in town for her birthday, and to wrangle B while we do final packing for our move next week. Here we are at dinner at neighborhood favorite Chenery Park

Brennan LOVES his Easter card from his Aunt Sharon and Uncle Wendell, and has loved it (almost) to pieces! (His hair is getting some "training" by his grandmother... hee, hee)

Here's proof that the hair will rise again!!

A very Happy Easter and joyous Spring to all...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

On the Move...

We've been under the weather over here for what feels like weeks, but that has not prevented Brennan from keeping things interesting. He is mostly commando crawling and happily stacks his blocks... until both activities upset and overwhelm him. Then it is to me for a big hug, with both his arms around my neck--not many things better than that!

We are moving next week, so we've been packing and arranging between sneezes and naps. More when we get settled...