Friday, November 28, 2008

Super Baby!

Monkeying around with Uncle Jacob and "flying" down the hall.  We spent the Thanksgiving holiday with our S. Cal. family.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Here are Brennan and baby Luciano checking each other out and "playing."  Luciano and his mom, Katherine came over for a playdate, lunch and mommy hang out time...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Old MacDonald...

Here he is with Tita Teresa being regaled with "Old MacDonald" at a dinner party that they hosted for visiting and local family and us...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Month Six

Dear Brennan,
The days and weeks (and even months, now!) are starting to connect in a way that I can't remember all the very specific things you do and how you do them.  When you were our teeny-tiny guy everything you did seemed so momentous and amazing, and now I am just trying to keep up with you!  And you are not yet mobile!  I am still amazed by so much that you do--your concentration, your laugh, your eagerness to "help" with your eating spoon, your engagement with people, your smiles...

Everything within your reach or line of sight is yours to grab, and if for some reason you are denied (ex. the placemat under my plate) you protest and are fairly insistent.  The picture above is you grabbing for the check when we were out to dinner for your "half-birthday"...

Have I mentioned that you LOVE the camera?  I am trying to take more pictures without the flash, because all the pictures of you (if you know I am taking one) are pretty much the same (see above), mouth open and eyes wide.  You have such a range of expressions and activities that I would love to capture them before they are gone.

We flew to Montana without your dad to see Nonna (my mom), and your were great on the flights.  You met some of Nonna's friends that she had over for dinner in your/our honor.  We did a lot of just hanging out, watching the leaves fall out of the trees and you enjoyed her dog Tess, although the first few days you both kind of ignored each other but always knew where the other was.  Daddy flew in to join us for a long weekend, and we spent some of it up in Whitefish on the lake.  We wandered around, and on Saturday afternoon more of Nonna's friends came to meet you at the hotel for drinks and munchies.  Daddy and I went out to dinner while Nonna wrangled you at the hotel.  You haven't had a lot of babysitters yet, and I/we are committed to expanding that in the near future...

We had a very fun Halloween--getting you suited up in costume for the party at Dr. Julia's and then out for dinner...  We flew down to LA for a long weekend just before the elections, and even though we spending Thanksgiving with our family down there, it was nice to have some downtime with Grandpa and Grammy.  We got home in time to vote, and it was really nice for the the three of us to go together and then grab a quick lunch.  I don't know if it was a school holiday, but there were lots of kids out with their parents on election day.  The election this year has really opened up what is possible--the diversity of the candidates makes me proud that you will grow up seeing and knowing that our elected leaders can be (and are!!) a reflection of the country we have become.

I love you little one, and I am certainly excited to see what is around the corner every day in your ever expanding world.


PS  You weighed 17 lbs 1 ounce at your 6 month appointment and 27 inches long/tall

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Brennan has been eating some fruits and veggies more regularly, here he is with some sweet potato and zucchini:

BEFORE:  from head to toe

AFTER:  all bathed and in fresh PJs...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Moment in Time...

Here is the little one watching the election results with us...

And the acceptance speech: