Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This week my mom, Nonna Mikie, is in town for a few days and we have had a few visits from family.  

Here is Nonna with Brennan and soon-to-be Auntie Marianne

Here is Brennan with his "Gra'nt" Siobhan (great aunt):

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Things I Didn't Know 1.0

There are many things that I am learning, and since I haven't been very good a keeping a journal the last few (many!!) years, I am going to keep a few more thoughts here for posterity, not in order of importance, but as I think of them...

1) That I could fall in love so quickly with someone I barely "knew"

2) That I could love (and like!!) someone so much who kept me from getting 7 hours of sleep

3) That newborns (7-10 days old+) might only poop once every 3-4+ days!!

4) That being up in the middle of the night nursing would feed my soul in a way I never expected

5) That a little baby could wet so many diapers (80+ a week!!)

6) That cloth diapers are as easy as they are to use

7) That getting Brennan to fall asleep makes me feel like I am doing a good job, and brings me so much satisfaction

8) That HIS cry never grates on my nerves, and I can feel so much compassion for the little guy when he is upset

9) That sometimes I miss him and look at his pictures when he is asleep in the next room

10) That so many people in our lives are so touched by and interested in him

11) That he could make me laugh at such a young age

12) How loud motorcycles are

That's it for now...

Please, add the things you learned along the way in the "comments" 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cutie Pie Sleepy Head

It looks like our little guy is learning to sleep a little better--we have had two 7+ hours of sleep in a row nights--YIPPEE!!  We are double swaddling him and it is working like a charm.  Also, he is learning to entertain himself a little more and if he falls asleep on his own he doesn't generally wake himself with flailing arms and legs.  Did I mention that at his 2 month appointment he weighed 11 pounds 3 ounces and is 23 inches long??  Here he is on one of his spontaneous naps...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Baby Whisperer...

Uncle Wendell puts the little guy to sleep in no time flat...  We may have to keep him around!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Great Aunt and Uncle visit...

Justin's Aunt Sharon and Uncle Wendell came to visit from Denver.  They met Brennan for the first time and he won them over with his sweet and cute self!  They are here for a long weekend and we will have some nice time together...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wedding Shower

Today was the wedding shower for Marianne (who is marrying brother Adam) and my dad and step-mom came up to see us and celebrate with Marianne and her family and friends.  Here is Grammy with little Brennan at the shower.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Two Months

My dear "little bear,"
It is hard to believe you have only been here with us for two months, it feels like forever (in the very best way) and I love that you are here.  You are such a sweet and curious little baby and I spend many hours watching you and wondering what might be going on in your brain.  You have a very special fondness for Mr. Whoosit, and spend hours "talking" to him.  Early in the month you would just stare at him with your big eyes, taking all that his colorful self has to offer.  Now, you reach for him, talk to him and grab on and shake him a bit--smiling all the while...

You spent much of this month being a very social little guy.  You had quite a few visitors and rarely slept thru a visit (heeeeh).  You are quite engaging and make eye contact with whomever is holding you or talking to you or being with you.  This attention is hard to break, and endears you to all.  

We had our first road trip together--down to LA to visit your Grandpa, Grammy and Uncle Jacob.  We stayed for a little over a week and you were so easy--both the drive and the visit.  You met some of our closest family friends--Victor and Carla.  We had a few friends over and I was able to see a few of my favorite people and their kids.  I love seeing my friends as moms and am so interested and curious about their experiences.

We are finding our groove with your sleep.  You are so interested in what is going on around you that it is often a challenge getting you down for a nap or for the night.  We have done much better these last few days, and I have learned that you really do need help disengaging from the active world around you.  It would not be uncommon for you to be awake ALL day with just a few 15-20 minute catnaps here and there.  We are back to swaddling you up nice and tight and you are sleeping 8-9 hours a night with one waking for a feeding--Mama can live with that kind of sleep!  Thank you!  You are napping a little more easily too, now that you are learning to wind down with our help.  

You are entertaining yourself a bit more, and can sit in your little bouncer with Mr. Whoosit and listen to music for a while.  Just this week you awoke and laid in your bed for 20 minutes talking to yourself and putting your fist in your mouth.  This is sweet, funny and a wonder for me to see you growing in all this little and important ways.

Thank you sweet boy for teaching us how to slow down and take it all in.
We love you very much.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Here is the little guy...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Elizabeth was in town from Madison and came by for the first of a few visits...  She had not seen Brennan since the day he was born...