Dear Little Brennan,
You are one month old today, and what a month it has been. Your Daddy and I have been so touch by your presence in our lives. We knew you were going to change our lives, but could not have begun to imagine all the ways you already have... You are so sweet, and you have such a nice disposition. Even when you are so upset and we are wringing our hands wondering what might be wrong, you cut us some slack and make us laugh. You make the cutest little noises-- when you sleep you sigh and purr, when you are preparing to nurse you make this snorting noise that lets us know how excited you are to be eating, and then the smacking and gulping let's us know that you are enjoying your meal! You look at us with your big eyes and we just melt--you look so curious and amazed by the world and people around you.
The first week of your life was quite an adventure. You were born 37 hours after labor was induced, and it was a challenge for both of us. I knew that I would be okay, but we were so worried about you. We knew you were in the best hands possible in the NICU, and it was so hard being in our recovery room those first few nights and then to come home from the hospital without you. Once you were cleared to come home, we have not looked back.
You slept a lot those first few days, and the only time you were really impatient with us was when you weren't getting enough to eat. After your first (long and loud) night at home with us we wised up quickly and gave you some formula to supplement nursing. We are in a good groove now, and you have already had a couple of growth spurts.
In the beginning you crossed your eyes when you were trying to focus on something you wanted to see. You are now focusing your eyes, and tracking voices and things that are put in front of you. You are holding up your head and looking around. I look at pictures from those first few days home, and you seem like you have already grown so much.
This has been such a sweet time, and your Dad and I are both so surprised at what an easy little guy you are so far--we are sleeping and thriving as a family. Thank you for what has already been an amazing experience. I know that it will continue to change, and I feel so very lucky to be your Mommy.
Here you are with the delicious banana cake that Uncle Ben and Auntie Jeanette brought for us. This cake was very special to me--for the last 7 years I have brought cakes or cupcakes to the hospital when I have visited all the babies that have been born to my friends--their BIRTHday cake. Because you were in the ICU, we had to curtail many visits from all those family and friends who wanted to meet you. So, sweet boy, a month later you (and I!!) got a BIRTHday cake.
We love you very much sweet boy, and thank you for picking us!
Your Mama and Daddy