Sunday, February 24, 2008

Belly Shot-week 30

She said:  Well, here I am in all my prego belly glory.  These last few weeks have seen a lot of changes.  I even got offered a seat on BART, so I guess I look pregnant and not just like I over-indulged on the Christmas cookies!  I feel really good, and have noticed how winded I get now just climbing a few flights of stairs.  I attribute that to the reduced (and squished) lung capacity as I still feel strong.  I'm still sleeping really well, and am so thankful for that.  I caught a cold and that put me out of commission for a few days.  What a luxury (and how sensible) it was to stay home from work and just recover rather than push through the symptoms.  I think I may try to do a weekly photo from here on out...  I'll certainly try!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


A few months back we planned this trip as a last get away weekend for a while.  We relaxed, ate well (very well!), saw a show, walked a ton, and enjoyed being in the sunshine.  I know that we will do lots of traveling once we get the little guy figured out.  And I know that it will be a different kind of travel.  This was a lovely and restful weekend together. 

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Chef

She said:  What a truly scrumptious dinner Justin imagined, planned and prepared for our Valentine's Day feast. Scallops, pasta and broccolini with a little salad and garlic bread.  We haven't spent a lot of time in the kitchen together, and for me that was the best part of al!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Here is a photo from our wedding last Fall. 
Much love to you all.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Showered with Love...

She said:  I knew the time was going to fly, I just didn't know how quickly!!  These post-holiday weeks have just flown by, and we have been busy.  I traveled to Idaho for a snowy mountain weekend reunion (2nd annual!) with some very dear people I met while doing the Hoffman Process in 2006 (  They are a lovely and loving group of friends and they surprised me the first night with a celebratory dinner honoring me (and Birdy!), followed by a showering of gifts for the little guy.  A very sweet way of making this all the more real to and for me/us...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Belly Shot: Week 27

She said:  Here I am February 2nd with 3 months to go.  I can sum up January 2008 in one word... GESTATING.  That's what I've been up to... all month.  We are trying to get out and do something each weekend--try a new restaurant, see a movie--things that a few months from now will be luxuries.